In addition to hosting 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAYS on my Facebook page (which you can ENTER HERE EVERY DAY until Dec 12th), I’m also having a giveaway on this blog for any readers who aren’t on Facebook 🙂 You could win a signed copy of any one of my books, two Creepy Hollow character postcards, two ‘coloring in’ postcards (a Trouble series one and a Creepy Hollow one), and four pin badges (plus some Creepy Hollow ‘guardian in training’ stickers if I receive them in time!). Scroll down to the Rafflecopter widget to enter!
The family are coming here for Christmas. Just keeping it low key.
That’s great. I love being with family at Christmas time 🙂
Spending Christmas home with my son in Tasmania Australia. We don’t live near family and it’s always either really hot or really wet.
Living in South Africa, it’s usually pretty hot here too on Christmas day! (And last year it was wet as well. We were all sitting outside on the covered verandah, and I happened to be sitting beneath the hanging upside-down umbrella that was catching water from a leak … which then tipped sideways and sent all that water running down my back!)
I will spend my Christmas with my family at a seaside resort because my family love beach and we spend our holidays at the beach. I love sky and sea so i love the beach where i can see them both. I am sooooooo exciting about the trip~~~ ^^
That sounds amazing! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas there 🙂
Spending Christmas with family
Enjoy it!
I am going to be escaping the cold in England and flying down to SA in less than two weeks! I’M SO EXCITED!!! I miss my crazy family and the food, and honestly, they don’t get white Christmases up here, just cold, wet ones, and who wants one of those?
Yaaay!! How exciting! Enjoy your time with your crazy family 😉
I will be with my parents and my brother and his family who all live in the area.
Enjoy your Christmas with them!
I am spending Christmas at home with my family as it is the first Christmas without my youngest daughter who was killed a few months ago. It will be hard on all of us so we decided to stay home, together rather than go to my moms as usual.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry about your daughter, Dianna 🙁 That is tragic. I’m sure this Christmas will be really tough on you guys, but I pray that you’re able to spend some special time together anyway.
Lots of hugs <3
Between my husband’s family and mine, we have four families to visit so we do a lot of traveling between Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas. Christmas Day we stay home to let our kids enjoy the day.
I’m probably spending it at home with my family and my ten cats ;3
With my crazy family
Hope you have a good Christmas
I’m going back home to Germany during Christmas and I’m so excited to see my family again! 🙂
I’m home in Ohio for Christmas, but there is a possibility I could go visit my sister in Idaho. Hopefully! Happy Christmas!
I will be spending Christmas with family (and lots of food!) in Durban
We are spending Christmas with my family (parents and brother incl. family). Since my husband and I are commuting, we decided long ago to spend Christmas one year with his and one year with my family which works out great 🙂
This is an awesome giveaway. Thank you so much. I love the ‘coloring’ postcards!
I am spending Christmas at home this year. Hopefully next year I will be able to go back to Mass and be with my whole family 🙂
We will most likely be at home. We need to get our decorations up soon..
At home with my family!
I typically spend Christmas at home since all our family lives pretty close. Plus, with four kids, sometimes it’s easier for grandparents to come to us. 😉
I’ll be spending Christmas with my partners family as I don’t have a great relationship with my own. It’s been like that for the last 6 years.
We’re just going to spend Christmas here at home, but we’ll cook a lot of food!! 🙂
i’m so excited for this Christmas it’s the first time i’ll be seeing some people I haven’t seen in years!!!!
At home with family.
What a great giveaway! I really love those postcards you can color. Such a fantastic idea! I’m spending Christmas with family. We go to my grandpa’s house, which is only 25-30 minutes away. So I’m glad we don’t have to travel far.
Just staying home watching my five kids rip open presents and ask for a billion batteries.
Every year my brother and I share the hosting of Christmas. Last year was at this house, so this year I will host it. SO this year I will be spending Christmas at my own home with my whole family.
I will be spending Christmas at home with my family. 🙂
with family
We’ll be having a laid back Christmas with family this year due to both of us having surgery.
I’ll be spending a pretty laid-back Christmas at home 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance! Hope you have a great Christmas 🙂
^And I’ll be spending Christmas at my Grandma’s house with the rest of the family! 🙂
Staying at home with my lovely kids snuggling up with my latest book (which ever that may be a the time) Merry Christmas Rachel ?
At home? Maybe. I’m not sure lol! I stink at planning. 😉
Just hanging out with my family in Montana
I am spending time with my family. My older children come home and my sister and nephew come over. Little ones and I bake all the favorites and get everything set up. Christmas is my favorite holiday. This will be our 2nd Christmas without my dad. Traditions are what keep us together so I make sure they are still loved.
I’ll spend Christmas eve with the extended in-laws, Christmas morning at home, Christmas day at in-laws, hopefully will get to squeeze my family in there, somewhere!
I’ll spend Christmas at home with my family 🙂
This will be the first year in our first home! We are so excited and have already started decorating. Happy Holidays to all!
I’m going back to my hometown for Christmas. And most of January since it’s Winter Break between college semesters.
So kind of you to hold this giveaway. I’ll enter on Facebook to give the FB’less more of a chance. Spending Christmas with family and I treated my mother to the Mockingjay 2 movie yesterday. We had fun.
Spending Christmas with my three grand kids- who I am raising, the three dogs and the chickens. 🙂 My grandsons are SUPER excited because we will start baking next week or so and making the mini-loaves of the breads we like.
I’m spending Christmas in New Zealand, where I live, haha 😀 It’s summer here so its great! 🙂
at home working. i am in home care provider so i don;t get holidays off.
I’ll be spending the holidays with my parents, brother, grandma, and grandpa, like a normally do. Though, I will be celebrating Christmas this weekend with my friends, before the semester ends (I’m in college, so we won’t be seeing each other over the break). And my family, including aunts and cousins, generally come together the weekend before Christmas. But on Christmas eve, it’s just the general family!
Merry Christmas! 🙂
Like almost every year, I’m spending Christmas with my dad at my grandparents’ house 🙂
I will be spending Christmas with my husband, 2boys & 2dogs. A lot of coffee and a lot of cooking
I have to work Christmas day so my family and I are going to celebrate on the 22nd instead. Thank you for the chance.
Very generous of you!
In the city with friends.
We are going to the Cederberg for a week and then chilling at home (aka Dog sitting) for the rest
I’ll be spending my Christmas with my kids and husband at home. But we have 3 other places we will have to visit as well
Spending Christmas with my wonderful family: husband and four kids, and mother in law. Really glad for the chance for the giveaway on here since I don’t use any of the social networks! Would love to win, I am a really avid reader but with four kids buying books on kindle isn’t an option atm, so I only read the free stuff. I came across Rachel’s Creepy Hollow and I fell in love with it, and have purchased all the books and looking forward to more. Your stories are great Rachel, keep it up!
We are spending Christmas at home and will visit a few local relatives homes as well. Luckily most of us live not too far from each other.
I’m spending Christmas at home this year for only the third time ever!
I don’t actually celebrate Christmas. I’ll probably just spend time at home.
Cool, Rachel! Sounds like fun. 😀
Just staying with my family abd friends at home) and, hopefully, enjoying the snow)))
My husband and I always start out at our house then go to his parents. From there we would normally go to his grandparents but since his grandmother passed this year I don’t think we’ll be going there. Then we go to his uncles house. Thank goodness Christmas is on a Saturday this year. It’s so exhausting!!
We are spending it traveling to our families.
For christmas just spending time with my family and watching movies
I’m spending Christmas at home. The plan is to go small this Christmas, not having a big affair this year. The plan was originally to skip Christmas this year, but can’t really do that since the 3 little ones see the Christmas decorations in town, on tv and in magazines and it’s all everyone has been talking about in school. So we’re just going to have a nice an quiet little Christmas. Just doing it for the kids! 🙂
Everyone is coming to my house for Christmas this year. Merry Christmas, Rachel 🙂