When I took a detour from the Ridley Kayne Chronicles so I could work on City of Wishes, I told you I’d be getting back to Ridley’s story in the second half of this year. You may have even noticed that a few months ago, I quietly put up a preorder for Elemental Heir (Ridley Kayne Chronicles #3) with a release date of Sep 10th.
BUT we’re now in August. Elemental Heir isn’t even halfway complete yet, I’m currently working on completing several smaller projects I’ve wanted to get done for over a year now, and I kinda need to start winding down (rather than pushing myself to work harder ?) as I prepare for baby Pomegranate’s arrival in October! (Squeee! So exciting!)
So I’ve decided to move Elemental Heir‘s release date to next year, March 2020. I know that seems like a loooong way away, and some readers are going to be pretty disappointed. I’m so sorry! But I honestly have no idea yet how I’ll be balancing a writing career and a baby! I want to allow myself enough time to enjoy being a new mom and to do Elemental Heir justice by making it as great a book as it can be. ?