Ten days of giveaways and traveling down publishing memory lane and … new book news! Scroll to the bottom for the schedule.
2017: the year I completed the Creepy Hollow series! I introduced readers to Emerson, and her story kicked off with Glass Faerie.
Leading up to the release of Glass Faerie, I put together the previous six Creepy Hollow books and did a limited-time price promotion of $0.99. One of my goals with that bundle was to make it onto the USA Today Bestseller List. Unfortunately, despite selling several thousand copies, the bundle didn’t make it onto the list. I did, however, get a whole lot of new readers!
I travelled to Durban to be on a panel at a conference for school librarians and finally met the TOTALLY awesome Melissa Delport in real life!
Reminder: I’ve created a special 10th anniversary design for the merchandise in my Society6 store. If you zoom in on the design, you’ll see that all the main characters (main character + love interest) from all the books I’ve written over the past ten years are featured in tiny text inside the 1 and 0!
i.e. Vi, Ryn, Calla, Chase, Em, Dash, Ridley, Archer, Elle, Dex, Sarah, Aiden, Livi, Adam, Andi, Noah, Sophie and Caleb.
There are some other secondary characters I really wanted to include, but once I started adding them … the list began to grow too long. ?
Another reminder: I’m giving away 20 signed, personalized prints with the 10th anniversary design (see the picture below) to 20 random people who leave a comment on this blog over the next ten days. All you have to do to enter is comment on this blog post or one of the others between now and March 10th. ?
SCHEDULE: 10 Days Celebrating 10 Years of Publishing
DAY 1 (2012): It Began with Two Words | Giveaway: Creepy Hollow paperback trilogies
DAY 2 (2013): Full-Time Author!
DAY 3 (2014): Stepping into my Contemporary Romance Shoes | Giveaway: Trouble series paperbacks
DAY 4 (2015): A Return to Creepy Hollow
DAY 5 (2016): Exploring Side Characters’ Stories
DAY 6 (2017): Three Books in One Year: The Completion of Creepy Hollow!
DAY 7 (2018): Creating a New Fantasy World | Giveaway: Ridley Kayne Chronicles
DAY 8 (2019): Fairytale Fun | Giveaway: City of Wishes paperback/hardback
DAY 9 (2020): The Year That Shall Not Be Named!
DAY 10 (2021): BOOK NEWS! Introducing World Of …
I feel like I need all these in paperback as that stack looks fab ? I read them all on kindle ❤️ My favourite series to date!
I have never completed reading a single book in my past. But when I started reading Creepy Hollow series I read it twice… coz I started reading the second book(which was the Faire prince) so after completing that I again started from the first book and I just loved the stories the characters, while reading it just felt like as if I’m watching a movie . Would love to read more and more books by You (Rachel Morgan)
Thank you, Zainab! It’s such an honor to know that my stories helped you finally finish reading a book!
I’ll never forget discovering the faerie guardian…I was on holiday in Turkey, browsing books on my old kindle keyboard hoping for something to read whilst sunbathing! I’m pretty sure the faerie prince released shortly after I devoured the first book, and that holiday ended up turning into a serious reading retreat. ?
(Just so happens that’s the same hotel I met my now husband – not sure if its related or influenced me, but thanks anyway Rachel!)
It’s still my all time favourite book series ❤️
Who else agrees it should be made into a movie/tv series?!
Oh that’s such a cool story! Both how you first discovered my books AND how you met your husband. 😂 I love that! Thank you for sharing. 🥰
I loved how things came full circle with Emerson and Chase. And the collision between our 2 worlds was brilliant! ♥️
I loved how these books completed missing parts from the other trilogies. I need more creepy hollow!! Love them ❤️
We read most of our books on kindle, but some are special enough to be bought as real books as well. Creepy Hollow falls into this category
Thank you so much, Sanja!
Omg!! I love these books! I seriously can’t get enough! Over the years they are still my favourites to go to!!!
One of my all-time favorite series! Thank you so much for sharing this world with us. ❤