Rachel’s Blog
News, Updates, Book Releases, Author Spotlights, Cover Reveals, Musings …
That Time I Was On TV!
Eeeeek! So here's what happened: SABC NEWS Morning Live needed a local author with a recent(ish) romance novel for their book segment this morning, so someone put a post on Facebook. Someone else tagged me (and a few other authors) in the comments, and I guess I was...
Looking Back at 2016, Plus 2017 Goals
I feel like I didn't do as much as I could have in 2016, so it's good to look back and see what I actually did achieve! Published two novels and two novellas: May - Scarlett (A Creepy Hollow Novella) June - A Faerie's Curse (Creepy Hollow #6) October - The Trouble...
Save When You Buy the Trouble Series as a Digital Boxed Set
Good news for those of you who haven't yet started (or completed) my sweet contemporary romance series published under the name Rochelle Morgan! You can now get all four Trouble books in one digital boxed set collection! [button...
Free Anthology of 40 Epic YA Stories, Including a Creepy Hollow one!
Guys! I have an amazing free book for you! That Moment When is an anthology of 40 epic YA stories featuring some of today's hottest new talent in young adult fiction—and it includes a Creepy Hollow short story! [button...
New Release: RAVEN (A CREEPY HOLLOW STORY) | Win Prizes!
Creepy Hollow fans! The next companion story, Raven, is out today! Scroll down to grab a copy from your favorite retailer, then enter the giveaway below that 🙂 ...
New Release: THE TROUBLE WITH FALLING | Plus a Ten-Prize Giveaway!
It's here! Almost two years after the date I originally planned to publish this book, Sophie's story is finally out there in the world 🙂 And since The Trouble with Falling marks my TENTH novel published, I'm holding a ten-prize giveaway! Scroll down to enter!...