I feel like I didn’t do as much as I could have in 2016, so it’s good to look back and see what I actually did achieve!

Published two novels and two novellas:

titles published in 2016

Put together two digital boxed sets

Sold my 100,000th book!

  • I haven’t added December 2016 numbers yet, as I don’t yet have reports from all the retailers, but up to and including November, I had reached an all-time total of 122,000 Creepy Hollow books sold, 290,000 free Creepy Hollow downloads, 3600 Trouble books sold, and 52,000 free Trouble downloads. (These are totals since I began publishing, not just for 2016.)


Wrote two Creepy Hollow short stories for anthologies:


2017 GOALS

  • Publish 3 Creepy Hollow novels – I plan to get Creepy Hollow #7, #8 and #9 out before the end of this year.
  • Become a USA Today bestselling author – I attempted this in 2015 but only got about halfway there with sales numbers. I didn’t make any attempt in 2016, so I’m hoping 2017 will be the year!
  • Incorporate dictation into my work process – I tried out dictation last year and failed miserably at it. It’s just so foreign to me to speak a story instead of typing it! But I’m going to give it another go this year, during the outlining/rough drafting phase, and not the clean-prose-typing phase!
  • Read more – because I have far too many amazing books on my TBR list that I haven’t yet got to.
  • NOT work into the wee hours of the morning! I saw far too many 1 am, 2 am and 3 am mornings, and I even hit 4 am for the first time in my life on one occasion. It was horrible! I need to be more productive during daylight hours when normal people are working 😉
  • Start working on a brand new series – this is kind of a scary one, as I actually have no idea yet what I’ll be working on next! (Too many ideas to choose from at this point!)