Eeeeeeeek! This is my first major release in over two years (i.e. since Riley was born and since a pandemic came along) and I’m SOOOO excited!
If you haven’t grabbed a copy yet, here’s the universal link that will take you to all the major ebook stores: books2read.com/StormandShadow
Paperback and Hardback
The paperback is available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and The Book Depository!
The hardback is available* on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and The Book Depository!
(And it should be making its way to other online stores as well. Search your preferred retailer. You can use the ISBNs to search if you want to know that you’ve definitely found the correct edition: the paperback ISBN is 9781928510499 and the hardback ISBN is 9781998988006.)
*Amazon is weird and their system sometimes says the hardback book is out of stock (which is nonsense, because it’s a print-on-demand book, so it should be available to order and print at all times!). So if you want the hardback and the Amazon page says, “Temporarily out of stock. Order now and we’ll deliver when available,” then do that. Place the order. They should be able to get it printed and shipped pretty quickly.
So here’s the thing: This book ended up being quite a bit longer than the average length of most of my other books, which is GREAT because you get more story to read, but also NOT GREAT because it means that the cost to produce the audiobook will be considerably higher than audiobooks I’ve previously done.
So … in all honesty … I don’t have a timeline for when the audiobook will be done because it’s just a bit too costly at the moment 😔
BUT I am strongly considering doing what I’ve seen some other authors doing (well, at least one other author: Sarra Cannon, who is super awesome, by the way) and recording myself reading this book chapter by chapter for my YouTube channel.
That might be totally cringe-worthy, and it might also be lots of fun 😂 And if you ONLY consume books via audio, this might be the only way for you to listen to From Storm and Shadow until I can afford to get a professional to narrate it 🤣
Signed Paperback for Readers in South Africa
I should receive stock within a week or two. I’ll update this post with a link to the order page on my website then!