Rachel’s Blog
News, Updates, Book Releases, Author Spotlights, Cover Reveals, Musings …
March is Publishing Anniversary Month | Vote for a New Short Story From Me!
Nine years ago, on March 5th, I published my first title! (It would have been cool to post about this ON March 5th, on the exact anniversary, but by the time I remembered we were actually in March, the 5th had already passed us by! #lifehappens) So! I figured we...
Now Complete: The Ridley Kayne Chronicles! (Available in Ebook, Print & Audio)
Now that Elemental Heir has been published, the Ridley Kayne Chronicles is complete in ebook, print and audio! Elemental Heir Ebook The ebook is available from all major ebook platforms >> Elemental Heir Alternatively, get the complete series in a single ebook...
Delayed publication of ELEMENTAL HEIR
Wherever you are in the world, I hope you're staying safe and healthy! We're a week out of our five-week lockdown here in South Africa, but plenty of restrictions are still in place. MANY businesses are still closed, as are schools. Which brings me to the subject of...
ELEMENTAL POWER (Ridley Kayne Chronicles 2) AUDIOBOOK coming soon!
I don't have a specific date yet, but I wanted to let you know that the narrator for Elemental Power (Ridley Kayne Chronicles #2) has begun her initial read through of the book and will VERY soon begin recording! So it won't be long before you get to continue Ridley's...
Preorder ELEMENTAL HEIR (Ridley Kayne Chronicles #3)
Even though ELEMENTAL HEIR has been available for preorder on certain retailers for quite some time, I don't think I ever actually did an official cover reveal. So if you haven't seen it yet, HERE IT IS! The release of this book was originally planned for September...
City of Wishes available in audio | Get episode 1 FREE!
I'm SO excited that you finally get to HEAR Elle's story! LISTEN TO EPISODE 1 FREE ON SOUNDCLOUD! All episodes are uploaded and available aaalllmoooost everywhere. The best part? Episode 1 is FREE on certain retailers!! Unfortunately, even though I've set the...